Did Britney Spears Slip a Bit of Nipple in Her New Video "Womanizer"? Not Likely.

Yesterday we posted the full-length video for the newest single from Britney Spears, "Womanizer," one that is sure to put the pop princess back on the Billboard Hot 100 and back in the sexual fantasies of men worldwidefinally! And while it's great to have the old Brit back in all her built, busty glory, Mr Skin must bring you a bit of bad news: Despite rumors floating around the internet that Ms. Spears let slip one teat tip in the vid, it's just not so.

In the pic above, it looks as though there is a perky, pointy protrusion atop Brit's right pontoon. But Mr Skin has seen a lot of nipples in his day, and something just doesn't seem right. To the close-up!

See, that nipple-like protrusion looked a little pale. Snow white even. And as this pic shows, the lining of her jacket appears to be that same pale hue. What's more, in this shot, a second tank-top-like garment is also visible stretching from shoulder to sack. Sorry folks, there's no visible yolk on that egg. But fear not, fine readers; if you're looking for Britney Spears nude, you can always make due with a wide-open beaver shot. We know it's not much, but you can make due.