Silly Puns Aren't Enough for Isla Fisher

While I would never call myself the class clown, when it came to wooing the ladies, without a doubt my only charm was to make them laugh. Of course I struck out more times than I'd care to admit. But I think my only real regret is not knowing Isla Fisher because apparently she’s into funny dudes.

Look, I also need to admit that I don’t particularly find Sasha Baron Cohen all that funny and I might be alone in that statement, but I stand by it. It might be because I don’t think that hidden camera stuff is all that funny or maybe it’s all the people who constantly say “my wife” in that way—or it could be the fact that he is dating such a hottie—but I just don’t get what’s so funny about him. I guess that shows what I know about comedy. He’s funny enough to land Isla Fisher so, you know, I guess the joke is on me.

Man, where was Isla Fisher when I was cracking my high quality jokes about current events? To land a beauty like that with political puns and off the wall remarks about random topics would have been pretty awesome. Oh, Isla Fisher, you are one hell of a beauty.

Photos via Splash News