Advance Pics Released from Darren Aronofsky's The Wrestler Revealing Marisa Tomei as a Very Clothed Stripper

There are a lot of trends in Hollywood that Mr. Skin can get behind. Direct-to-DVD sequels of hit movies that add copious amounts of boobs, for instance. But strippers who don't actually take off their clothes? That's a travesty. What ever happened to realism in film?

The Wrestler stars Mickey Rourke as Randy "The Ram" Robinson, a retired wrestler and is directed by Darren Aronofsky, who brought us the Mr. Skin Hall of Fame freak out Requiem for a Dream, with it's famed Jennifer Connelly double-dildo lesbo scene. Too bad this early still from The Wrestler doesn't bode confidence in any such sequence starring Marisa Tomei. Hell, at this point, it seems unlikely that Marisa will deliver anything more than a little butt crack in the flick. A stripper wearing a wife-beater tank top? Why, that's almost as preposterous as a stripper wearing leather chaps, as Jessica Alba did in her non-nude turn in Sin City.

Marisa Tomei pic courtesy of Oh No They Didn't.