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Elisabeth Filarski Hasselbeck

Elisabeth Filarski Hasselbeck Sexy

No Nudity

Keywords: No Nudity, White, Brunette Hair, Medium Breasts, Real Breasts, Skinny Body

Birthplace: Rhode Island, US

Date of Birth: 05/28/77


Her friendship with grizzly gray grandpa Rodger Bingham on Survivor: The Australian Outback had senior skin scouts sealed to their sets. While the temperature was surely soaring in that barren wasteland Down Under, we held our own Immunity Idols praying Elisabeth Filarski would try to beat the heat with a skinny dip. (Alligators, schmalligators!) While our dreams of Survivor skin were vetoed, weeks of bandanna bras and bikini tops made listening to Jeff Probst's brainless banter bearable. Starvation’s a bitch but bikinis are beautiful.