The pickings are pretty slim this week, but we do have a few rare birds spreading their wings on DVD and Blu-ray: first, a sweet hint of skin from Andrea Riseborough and Abbie Cornish (or her body double, anyway) in W.E. (2011); then SKINtage sex symbol Dolores Del Rio shows off her seat meat for a rare pre-Code nude scene in Bird of Paradise (1932), and Nora Alexis makes a sleazier sort of history in "Godfather of Gore" Herschell Gordon Lewis's final film before his 2002 comeback, The Gore Gore Girls (1972), nude on Blu-ray.
Plus, prepare to beat yourself senseless as sexy pugilist Gina Carano kicks ass in a skintight black outfit in Haywire(2012), not nude but highly punchable on Blu-ray:
Madonna puts her Material Girl touch on a tale of forbidden love in W.E. (2011). Twice-divorced American socialite Wallis Simpson (Andrea Riseborough) turns up in 1930's London and immediately captures the heart of King Edward VIII (James D’Arcy), who eventually abdicates his throne to be with her. In the 1990’s Wally Winthrop (Abbie Cornish), who was named after Wallis, escapes the reality of her abusive marriage by obsessively poring over the artifacts of the Duchess’ life . Her frequent visits catch the eye of Russian security guard, Evgeni (Oscar Isaac), and the pair embarks on a forbidden romance of their own. 3 minutes in we get a double the boobage from Andrea Riseborough and Abbie Cornish as they undress in intercut scenes, although Ms. Cornish may have used a body double.
Joel McCrea is a ship’s passenger who falls overboard only to be saved by beautiful Polynesian island girl Dolores del Rio in the adventure yarn Bird of Paradise (1932). But their budding romance quickly runs into trouble when the other natives decide to sacrifice Dolores to the angry volcano gods to prevent an eruption. What this movie has that most other movies made in 1932 don’t have is a naked female ass, provided by Dolores as she dives in the ocean. Dive! Dive!
The final splatter film from goremeister Herschell Gordon Lewis before his 2002 comeback, The Gore Gore Girls (1972) stars Amy Farrell as Nancy Weston, a Chicago reporter who enlists the help of private investigator Abraham Gentry (Frank Kress), an obnoxious, crack shot private investigator investigate the brutal murder of stripper Suzie Cream Puff (Jackie Kroeger). There’s almost as much uncredited flesh as there is unedited blood, and that will make you splatter!
Impeccably toned MMA fighter Gina Carano stars as a black-ops solider out for revenge in the action packed thriller Haywire (2012). Mallory Kane (Carano) works for a secretive contractor that specializes in doing the government’s dirty work. And who’s better to do dirty work than hot babes in evening gowns? While on a mission in Barcelona, Mallory gets double-crossed by her sometimes partner, Aaron (Channing Tatum), and must go on the run with very willing hostage Scott (Michael Angarano). With no one left to trust, Mallory will use any means necessary to get back to the United States. Natascha Berg shows some skin in a bikini while lying on top of Antonio Banderas at the 1-hour 25-minute mark. Plus badass babe Gina gives a look at her compelling cleavage wearing a skintight black outfit 1-hour 27-minutes in. But with no nudity, our pants aren’t exactly going haywire!
C U Next Tuesday, Skin fans, for all the newest and nudest releases on DVD and Blu-ray right here at!