Skin Is Always “In”

“What’s the matter with the clothes I’m wearing?” asked Billy Joel in his 1980 hit “It’s Still Rock and Roll to Me,” a cynical take on the appearance-driven music industry.

Well, Billy Joel’s threads look just fine, but when it comes to fashion models, whatever they’re wearing just seems like too much, which is a bummer because their job is modeling clothes.

But sometimes the industry gets it right and we get to see the models in little more than what they were born with. And this year was a particularly good one for it.

Just take a look at Milla Jovovich naked in Purpleyou can see her nurples!

To celebrate Milla’s naked colleagues and all their hard work, trendy blog Fashion Gone Rogue has created a gallery of the best fashion nudity of the year. Check out the uncensored pics here.

If these fashion-forward knockouts are setting the trends, then 2010 might be the best year yet.

Follow Mr. Skin on Twitter for more on naked models and all other things nudesworthy.