New Details Emerge on Jessica Biel as a Stripper in Powder Blueand if True We

Won't Be Seeing Neither Tit Nor Tail

Remember yesterday when we showed you the trailer for the upcoming
Jessica-Biel-as-a-stripper movie Powder Blue and said that the sexy, skimpy shots boded well for the prospect of seeing Jessica Biel nude in the flick? Well, we've got some bad news thanks to Britain's Daily Mail:

[Jessica Biel] is keen not to see her scantily-clad image exploited, and has signed a contract that explicitly details the bare minimum fans will see.

The contract is said to ban shots of her breasts (nipples from the front and side) and her bottom (side view only) in the Crash-like ensemble drama Powder Blue.

A source told Us Weekly magazine that although the director will film scenes that are even more revealing, 'Jessica will decide if she wants to show anything additional'.

"Jessica will decide if she wants to show anything additional." Great. So we're probably in for some side tit and a little coin slot, which is all we've ever seen from Jessica. Thanks for the Powder Blue balls, Jessica.

Powder Blue pic courtesy of CelebNewsWire.