Cheer Up With Alison Brie Cleavage
A wedding is a time to celebrate love. It’s a joyous and happy occasion. Yet, when I learned that Alison Brie got hitched I didn’t feel much like celebrating. If I’m being honest here, I felt down. Sad. Perhaps even a little depressed. So, I did the only thing I could think of that would make myself feel better, I looked at a bunch of sexy pics of Alison Brie.
Yes, you’ve probably heard by now that Alison Brie is officially off the market. She and long time boyfriend Dave Franco made it all official. Though, I really hope she doesn’t change her last name. Alison Franco just doesn’t have the same lovely ring that Alison Brie has. Alison Franco, Alison Franco… yeah, I just can’t make it sound right. But hey, I guess I’m happy for her and Dave. True love, real love is something we all long for in this world just like longing for Alison Brie to go topless in something.
While each and every one of us knew that we had absolutely no shot with her, our hearts are still a little sad. So try to drown that sadness in a sea of Alison Brie cleavage. It works for me.