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The Killing Kind

The Killing Kind (2023)

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Adapted from the best-selling Jane Casey novel of the same name, this mystery thriller series centers on a young defense lawyer living in London named Ingrid Lewis (Emma Appleton). After winning a case where her client John Webster (Colin Morgan) was accused of stalking his ex-girlfriend, the two begin a torrid affair, but when she decides to end things for the sake of her relationship with her fiance Mark (Elliot Barnes-Worrell), John won’t take the hint and starts to pathologically harass her. Knowing from her work that going to the police won’t do a thing, she does nothing and John seems to disappear - for two years at least, then he gets back in touch with her claiming her life is in danger. That same day, Ingrid’s friend and colleague dies in a car accident, and now Ingrid suspects John of foul play and worries she’s next on his hit list. In episode two, we get dual looks at Emma in her panties that are sure to turn you into The ‘Bating Kind!