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Wild & Crazy Kids

Wild & Crazy Kids

No Nudity


Contrary to what you might think, Wild & Crazy Kids isn’t about the illegitimate offspring ofSteve Martin. This Nickelodeon children’s game show placed kids in physical competitions against each other using unusual equipment, such as go-carts, tennis ball guns, etc. They also had to go through several events, such as riding a roller coaster while holding a cup full of dyed water, with whoever had the most left in the cup winning. Okay, it’s not exactly Survivor, but what do you want? They’re just kids, for crying out murphy!  While the curtain-climbers ate it up, the show just didn’t seem to be paying the bills and was cut from the line-up after season two. Sad for the kiddies, but good for us! If the show had stayed on longer, host Anette Chavez wouldn’t have had to seek other work, and she might not have ended up naked a few years later in Warm Texas Rain (a golden shower documentary?) This sultry señorita has a pair of chimichangas that defy description (and gravity).