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Sister Skin: The MrSkin.com Interview
On August 10, 2006, MrSkin.com will celebrate its seventh year of providing the world with the very breast when it comes to celebrating nudity in film.

From MrSkin.com's relatively low-key beginnings, it has grown to become the most popular movie-nudity site on the planet, as well as the Internet's number-two film review site overall.

Heading up the juggernaut, of course, is Mr. Skin himself. But just as last year's anniversary Skinterview featured Mrs. Skin, we turn now to yet another powerhouse female behind the Chief Sexecutive Officer's ever-ascending greatness.

"Sister Skin" is the affectionate moniker bestowed upon Kristina M., the real-life sibling of Mr. Skin who serves as Director of Media Promotions at Skin Central.

Charming, cheerful, and amazingly meticulous in her every endeavor, Sister Skin sat down to chat about her role in the Skin World Conquest, as well as how to offer aid and comfort to a broken-hearted Editorial Director.

Tell us a bit about the origins of Sister Skin.
I grew up just outside Chicago, in Oak Park and River Forest, Illinois. I studied French and Political Science at Indiana University and lived in Strasbourg, France, my junior year. After college, I worked for an airline and student travel agency before I worked for a service organization where we funded matching grants for humanitarian projects around the world.

And what do you do now at MrSkin.com?
Ah, where to begin? [Laughs] One of the most important aspects of what we do at MrSkin.com is working with Hollywood studios and DVD companies, as well as a lot of independent filmmakers.

They're all eager for us to review and promote their projects, so I coordinate that--making sure we're up to date on the latest releases, passing along their screeners to our content and editorial departments, and just generally managing the movie traffic that comes in.

I also help our Editorial Director, Mike McPadden, when it comes time to organize the various bios and reviews that appear on the site and in our books. In fact, I help Mike organize--period!

In addition, I work with Mr. Skin himself when it comes to arranging his appearances and other promotional work. He's another one who welcomes my hyper-vigilant organizational skills!

What was it like growing up with Mr. Skin?
It's not anything like you would think. I have no recollection of Youngman Skin collecting PG and R-rated nude scenes from cable movies. If I ever came across that behavior I would have moved out of the house immediately.

Mr. Skin is six years older than me. He was just your typical annoying big brother who loved the White Sox and played a lot of baseball.

What did you first think when you heard about his idea for the site?
I called my two sisters immediately to get their take on the whole concept. There were a lot of "go figures" and "how embarrassings" but once the shock wore off it was really no big deal. We were just relieved he wasn't using his real name.

What did your parents think?
That is interesting. I think Mr. Skin handled that pretty cleverly. He quit his previous job and didn't tell my mom and dad what he was "doing" professionally for a brief time period. Reviewing movies based on female celebrity nudity content was nothing compared to what was swirling around in their heads during those three or four months.

How did you come to work for MrSkin.com?
I started working for MrSkin.com about five years ago. The company was relatively new and I honestly just wanted to do some temp work for my brother's company while I figured out what I really wanted to do with my life. Now if he even tries to get rid of me, I'll tell on him.

What do you especially enjoy about the job?
It's a ton of fun. If I'm out with friends and meeting new people my job is always the hot topic of conversation.

What's it like when you tell people where you work?
For the most part, people just think it's pretty hilarious. Most guys wish they'd thought of it and several of my girlfriends ask me if there are any openings in the company.

Looking back on your life, do you see any early indications that might have led to you working for MrSkin.com?
Ha! Absolutely nothing. I tried to figure out what led my career to take such a dramatic turn. I do find it peculiar that we both attended Indiana--or as we like to say, "Skindiana"--University. I guess that was a small indication that I would follow in his footsteps.

What was the first movie nude scene you remember seeing?
Kathleen Turner in Body Heat (Picture: 1 - 2).

Who is your favorite actress on the site?
If I have to pick I guess I would say Diane Lane (Picture: 1 - 2 - 3) or Salma Hayek (Picture: 1 - 2 - 3).

What is your favorite sexy movie?

You deal a lot with the writers. What's your impression of them?
I am absolutely amazed that they can review a B-movie nudie shlock-fest and make it sound like Gone with the Wind. I wish I had that talent.

You mentioned Editorial Director Mike McPadden earlier. Rumor has it that after he was spurned by B-movie super-siren Misty Mundae (Picture:1 - 2) at a horror convention last year, he called you first. What consoling words did you offer him?
Oh, that tragedy! He called me at, like, 11:30 at night to tell me that he approached Misty at an autograph table, hoping she'd be thrilled to meet someone from MrSkin.com. Instead she said that she was focusing more on Masters of Horror and other upcoming projects, so she didn't really want to do another Skinterview. Mike called and said, "Misty Mundae hurt me in my heart!" I assured him that he was still a worthwhile human being and, somehow, he made it home!

What do you hope the future holds both for you and for MrSkin.com?
I hope the company continues to do well so my co-workers and I can continue to do what we love doing.

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