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Sheri Moon: The MrSkin.com Interview
Admit it; you've gotten off on Sheri Moon. You might not even know it. But Sheri's been shaking her moon in scores of MTV videos since the early '90s, most salaciously in her husband Rob Zombie's ghoulishly hot clips.

Zombie is a generous artist and has shared his woman with the movie-going public, devoting much camera time to her shapely chaps-clad rear end and creating some of the sexiest ass cleavage ever seen onscreen in House of 1000 Corpses (Picture: 1 - 2). But that was just a prelude to the real skin flashed in the sequel to that great horror film, The Devil's Rejects, which is currently in theaters knocking audiences all kinds of dead.

The tall, blonde, and beautiful Sheri shared a stately suite at the Four Seasons Hotel, right in the heart of Beverly Hills, to talk to Mr. Skin. It was all I could do to keep my mind on the questions, alone with the cult cutie, but I'm nothing if not professional. We talked about getting naked onscreen, naturally, but also her fascination with Playboy and why Tura Satana kicks ass in Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill!

The Devil's Rejects has been reported to be Baby's swan song. Are you sorry to see her go?
I am! But it was so much fun playing her. Everyone always says we should do a prequel. I'm like, no, leave on a high note.

Rob wrote the character specifically for you, so are you as sexy and evil in real life?
Sexy, whatever. Evil? No! It's all an act.

You're not that sadistic?
No, thankfully. I'd be in prison if I was, or dead.

The character's become a cult icon over the course of the two films. Who are some exploitation sex symbols that you've looked to for inspiration--or real-life maniacs like the Manson Girls?
I didn't necessarily pull from any actor or real life. I like that you see that there. I just read the script and wanted to bring Baby to a more real, gritty attitude. I really like Baby in Rejects because she can go from being really silly and joking to evil in a flick of a switch, and that was really fun to do.

Rob opened up a window of films that I would have never watched had I not met him. I guess many of the Manson Girls, who were very quirky, and I'd seen a lot of documented footage that they have of them walking around in the courtroom. But I guess life influences you and it just came to me.

What were the exploitation classics that drove your imagination growing up?
Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill! That's one of my all-time favorites. That movie isn't just about tits and ass. Tura Satana, how excellent was she in that movie? I just recently watched it again a few weeks ago. That is probably one of my favorites.

There's no nudity in that at all. You like those strong wild women?
I don't know. I like a lot of biker movies, like Easy Rider. Rob's really more of a fan of those types of movies. He has them on all the time. If he's not sitting down watching TV, the TV's on and there's a DVD on, so I'm always catching things.

You had a very different role in Tobe Hooper's remake of Toolbox Murders. How does it feel being the choppee rather than the chopper?
That was fun! I got it with the claw of a hammer in the neck in that one. I think I worked for two or three days on that. It was great working with Tobe Hopper, he's a friend.

You like being covered in blood?
I don't know if I like it, maybe the first half-hour. But when you're saturated in it all day long it gets uncomfortable.

Not only has Baby become a horror icon, but she's featured on MrSkin.com. Does that make you proud?
Awesome! I'm actually not a big web girl. I go on the Internet to check my email and send email and maybe do some shopping. I don't really look at web sites a lot. And everybody's like, "Sheri, you don't have a web site?" I'm not into that. But Mr. Skin, that's great, I'm totally flattered.

Are there going to be other opportunities for us to feature you on the site?
Well, the next thing I'm doing is a voice for an adult animated film called The Haunted World of El Superbeasto. That will come out in 2006. Hopefully in the fall we'll start something. I like to really only do cool things. I hate auditions. I don't want to go on auditions. I'm more into doing cool projects that mean something to me. I don't want to work just to work.

Were you comfortable doing nudity?
When the movie comes out, it works. I'm fine with that. But when you're actually there it's very uncomfortable. I'm very self-conscious. It's not a lot of fun.

You're not an exhibitionist?

So how do you end up pulling down your pants and telling one of your girl victims to shoot you in the ass (Picture:1 - 2 - 3)?
The fabulous manipulator of a director, Rob Zombie.

Well, kudos to him. Do you remember the first time you saw a sex scene in a mainstream movie growing up?
I remember in my dad's closet he collected Playboys and I always looked at his Playboy magazines. That was probably the first nudity I saw. I was fascinated by it. I thought the girls were beautiful. My mother probably wasn't fascinated by it if my dad hid it in the closet. Movies, probably 9 1/2 Weeks (Picture: 1 - 2 - 3).

Who are the actresses that you think are hot?
I really like Bette Davis, Joan Crawford, and right now I'm loving Kate Winslet and Cate Blanchett. They're awesome. I adore them. Marilyn Monroe. Who's a sex symbol now, Angelina Jolie? I understand she does it for so many people. I don't know, not me. Charlize Theron, I really like her.

What's next?
I'm having a vacation this summer with Rob. I'm going on Ozzfest. I'm going to watch him play. I'm not dancing.

That's your vacation?
Yeah, I haven't been on the road in three years with him. I miss it. I'm all excited to barbecue and grill and hang out with the bands and watch music all day. It's going to be a lot of fun.

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