Well, Ishould probably rephrase that. She wasn't happy that director Paul Verhoeven didn't tell her you could see it before she was sitting in a theater filled with people, looking at her own bush onscreen for the first time. So, probably fair.

Sharon Stone Was Not Happy About the 'Basic Instinct' Bush Flash

And on a teeny tiny monitor, you probably can't seeSharon Stone's (very neatly trimmed) bush in the shadow of her legs. But then...

Sharon Stone Was Not Happy About the 'Basic Instinct' Bush Flash

Yeah, that's a pretty clear shot. She said she was initially wearing white panties in the scene and that they were flashing too brightly when she crossed her legs so the director asked her to take them off. She did, requesting they not show her vag, and it seemed at first like the scene wasn't revealing. Everything changes on the big screen, though, so she slapped him during the (very public) reveal.

It turns out Sharon wasn't angry the shot was included because it was so perfect for the character.And there was this scene in the unrated, unedited cut.

Sharon Stone Was Not Happy About the 'Basic Instinct' Bush Flash

Hey—it looks like it worked out for all of us.