Producer Eli Roth’s The Last Exorcism (2010) may be scaring up big business, but Mr. Skin will always have the fondest of feelings for the demonic possession blow-out that originally bedeviled the world in 1974: The Exorcist.

It’s not because The Exorcist is so intensely frightening. It’s because that horror classic spewed forth the career of Linda Blair, who grew up (and out) fast to become on of the most skin-tense naked B-movie bombshells of the ’80s.

So however hard and high The Last Exorcism may make your hair stand on end, you can always let original Exorcist babe Linda Blair turn you into the horniest of devils with her big-breasted bare exposure in six ractackular roles, including Savage Streets (1984), Night Patrol (1984), Red Heat (1985) and, of course, Chained Heat (1983) which only happens to be the greatest Women in Prison movie of all time!

Mr. Skin members get every nude pic and video, but all comers should definitely check out the skin-depth feature article Linda Bare, for a career overview on the hot history of Linda Blair nude.

Now enjoy this peek at Linda Blair naked and loving it up with Emmanuelle star Sylvia Kristel nude. Click to enlarge (yourself).