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"Rules" Be Damned, Sharon Stone Can Do What She Wants

I have often heard people in the fashion industry say that once a woman reaches a certain age, certain types of clothing are off-limits. Honestly, I find it a little hard to believe that someone shouldn’t wear something simply because they are “old.” Come on, Sharon Stone looks great in a see-through shirt and leather pants so, why the hell shouldn’t she wear them.

I know that Sharon Stone might be the exception to the rule, but if you can pull it off why should age stop you? Sharon Stone is sexy, there’s no if ands or buts about it. How many of us can still remember Basic Instinct? How many times has her famous beaver flash been imitated and parodied? That is proof that Sharon Stone is an iconic sex symbol and when you’ve achieved that status you can do whatever the hell you want, including wearing something the fashion world declares “off-limits” for someone of Sharon Stone’s age. Sharon Stone has always been a bit of a rule breaker so, why not keep breaking the rules?

I’m in no way saying that anyone can wear whatever they want no matter their age or any other factor. I’m simply trying to say that if you can pull it off and look sexy, then do it. Sharon Stone in leather pants is super hot, rules be damned.