In 2009, the Skin Lab technicians spent hours watching and re-watching Sandra Bullock's much-hyped "nude scene" with Ryan Reynolds in the romantic comedy The Proposal and all they found was the briefest hint of bare butt.

This year, the prick-teasing chick-flick is back in style. The 2011 version is called No Strings Attached and stars one-skin-wonder Natalie Portman and Ashton Kutcher. The recently released red band trailer, which allows all the cursing the regular one leaves out, paints a sorry picture indeed. When given the chance to show naked body parts, the producer's chose to use Ashton's ass.

It's too soon to call, and we'll be analyzing every frame that comes out before the movie's release to be sure, but the chances of seeing Natalie naked in this movie just went from zero (before the red band trailer) to some incalculable negative (sk)integer. Stay tuned for updates.