Exciting things are afoot (and aboob) here at Skin Central. Soon, we'll be uncovering our brand-new Playlists feature, an amazing new way to explore the eye-poppingly huge Mr. Skin catalog of nude videos.

Think of MrSkin.com as a museum. We've got every nude scene from every actress in every movie, but exploring our vast archives can be an admittedly overwhelming task. With the playlists feature, we'll "curate", or hand-pick, a series of related vids--say, Angelina Jolie's nude scenes, or former child stars, or rare nudes from France, or every clip featuring a naked babe eating ice cream--and compile them in one handy, glandy playlist.

Here's a sneak peek at a sexample of a Skin playlist. Hit "play", watch our flesh-filled tutorial, and let us know in the comments how we can improve our latest skinnovation!