Throughout the Month of October, Count Down the Sexiest Nude Horror Movie Hotties of All Time!

Number 8:Soledad Miranda

Possessed of an allure best described as haunting and doomed to die at a tragically young age, supernaturally arousing Goth goddess Soledad Miranda ultimately achieved immortality in the guise of a Scream Queen.

Described in her prime by a critic as "pale, mysterious, enigmatic, provocative, [and] unknowable,” Soledad burned an indelible place for herself in the annals of horror upon hitching her talents to fright maestro Jesus Franco.

Soledad Miranda in Nightmares Come at Night Together, Soldedad and Franco created the erotic horrors Nightmares Come at Night, She Killed in Ecstasy, Eugenie De Sade, The Devil Came from Akasava and, above all, Vampyros Lesbos.

Soledad Miranda departed this mortal coil via an automobile accident in 1970. Franco maintains that she spooks him still, and that her spirit has possessed the women in his life, including Lina Romay, both on and off-camera.

Just look at Soledad Miranda. Truly, that beauty must be eternal.