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"We don't make this stuff up. We merely cast our nets into the oceans of perversion and reel in the tunas of tastelessness."--ConsumptionJunction.com disclaimer

Deep in the sick and twisted heart (or should we say throat?) of Dixie dwells what very well may be the sickest, most perverted site on the Net, ConsumptionJunction.com. Based in Atlanta, the world's most infamous shock-humor site was founded in 1999 by Marc Womack (the site's chief operating officer) and Paul Dinin.

Other site staffers include controversial underground filmmaker Joe Christ and Jay Quinlan, former member of Atlanta shock-cock-rock band Dick Delicious and the Tasty Testicles.

ConsumptionJunction.com--or CJ for short--is free for users and delivers up a daily dose of content so utterly tasteless that most other sites wouldn't dare display it. At the very least, CJ is a one-stop shop for "forbidden" content that you might not be able to find anywhere else (without having to endlessly wade through pop-ups and spam).

We're talking uncut celebrity sex videos, terrorist beheadings, hideously disfigured fat people with diarrhea, jokes too dirty for a toothless child molester, and more free porn than you can shake your stick at.

Marc Womack tells us how a sicko site is born and just what it takes to rake in tons of dough by glorifying all things offensive, low-brow, and disgusting.

How did you come up with the name Consumption Junction? Was it inspired by the Schoolhouse Rock! song?
It's named after a house, actually. I've got some really great friends that live in the middle of nowhere Alabama. We used to go down there four or five times a year, lock up the car keys, and party our asses off. Think of a tin-roofed shanty in the middle of a bunch of cotton fields. The house was named Consumption Junction because, well, that's what it was. We got together, consumed ridiculous amounts of booze and drugs, cranked up the tunes, and partied. It's a special place to me because anything goes. If you're a sick and twisted fuck it's totally accepted. We've carried that attitude over to ConsumptionJunction.com.

How did the site take off and become such a phenomenon?
Too much spare time. Seriously. My girlfriend at the time I started CJ was an alcoholic stripper. I'd always have to pick her drunk ass up after work at five in the morning. So I got off work at seven and worked on the site until I had to pick her up. Paul came on board and fortunately for us became unemployed shortly thereafter. While I was living in Amsterdam he kept chugging away at the site.

Another huge difference is that CJ is who we are. Unlike other sites out there we don't hide behind our site. We live it. From the events section, with some of the most embarrassing pics of ourselves I've ever seen, to the hate-mail section, where we've been defending our site and ripping morons to shreds, we're always open and honest about what sick fucks we are. It's just an attitude of how we treat this beast.

We don't call the people coming to our site surfers or visitors. They're fans. It's cool to have fans and we treat them with respect. We don't annoy them with tons of pop-ups and annoying audio banners. Hell, we started this thing in 1999 and we still answer every fan email we get.

Do you have any famous fans? Have you managed to meet any famous actresses since the site took off?
Yeah, I saw an interview where Trent Reznor said CJ was his favorite site. I did a radio interview one time in Boston and Eddie Vedder was on the phone and he said he dug the site. Howard Stern has plugged us for free a few times and even had Paul on the show. Woody Harrelson called us up at the office last year. Oh, I doubt he'll ever admit it, but I think George Bush dresses up in a ballerina outfit, lathers up his entire body with I Can't Believe It's Not Butter, and whacks off while surfing CJ.

As for meeting anyone famous, I had Ron Jeremy pinch my woman's nipple and call it juicy. We have had the chance to meet just about everyone in the porn biz, and since I'm a porn junkie that's pretty cool.

Do your fans think you're "famous"? Do you have groupies?
Heh. I describe myself as an internet quasi-celebrity. It's fairly mind blowing how many people love CJ. I can't tell you how many times I've heard, "Duuude, no fucking way, you run ConsumptionJunction . . . holy shit, let me buy you a Jagermeister!" I've been amazed at how the "CJ Card" has come in handy. I got out of going to jail one night because the cop was a CJ fan.

As for groupies, I'm sure we've all gotten laid because of the site. There are some seriously twisted chicks out there. As for full-on groupies, last year we had our fifth-anniversary party. I rented a hotel room and put up a post about a week before the party on our forum saying that any chicks that wanted to come fuck the founder of CJ were welcome to come. Fortunately I dig fat chicks. I had to have pushed at least two tons of lovin' that night.

What has CJ done for your sex life?
Well, not just in sex but in everything we've become one thing: jaded. We've seen it all at this point. So it's a challenge for us to come up with something new. Paul's got a great story of how he "spiced" up one night of sex. He's with this chick, drunk, and mid-thrust it occurs to him that he's bored. He grabs a stale old bean burrito from Taco Bell and starts flogging the chick with it. Spicy sauce in the eyes, beans everywhere, the works.

For me, I've had the opportunity to do a hell of a lot more sexually than your average guy. The only thing left on my sex wish list is to get a blow job from a sixty-year-old woman without any teeth, to have sex with a midget, and to have sex with an amputee. If by some chance a sixty-year-old midget amputee reads this, hit me up. Knocking out all three at one time would be sweet!

What are your favorite movie and TV nude scenes?
There are no good sex scenes on TV. Well, Fox in the Netherlands shows hardcore porn on Monday nights. Afterward Dave Letterman comes on. Not a bad combo. As for movies, one of my favorites is Natasha Henstridge (Picture: 1 - 2) in Species. Perfect breasts that turn into an alien shredding some poor dude makes for a good scene. Jennifer Tilly and Gina Gershon munching carpet in Bound (Picture: 1) inspired a few naval puddles. Best one I haven't seen in a while is Angelina Jolie (Picture: 1 - 2) and Ethan Hawke in Taking Lives. I'd trade my left nut to fuck Angelina Jolie, but only if she was wearing that Tomb Raider outfit.

Who are your favorite actresses? Have you ever met any of them in person? Nude?
Salma Hayek is hot as balls. I used to think Catherine Zeta-Jones was USDA Grade A schnitzel until I saw that pic of her pregnant and sucking down a cancer stick. I'm fine with both of those, but her tits were terrible. The nipples were pointing straight to the ground. I wouldn't kick Jennifer Love Hugetits out of bed. And I really can't explain why, but for some reason I've always wanted to bang Downtown Julie Brown. Christina Ricci for sure. I know she's not that hot, but she's got a great rack, and while I'm not typically into the facial thing, that huge forehead is just begging for hot shot. Yeah, I'd serve up a chin omelet for her.

Speaking of nude scenes, are you tired of porn?
I started in the porn biz in 1995 working for Adam Eve when I was a sophomore in college. What an awesome fucking job. I had access to a 50,000-square-foot warehouse of porn. About a year later I lost the ability to whack off to print material. Yeah, until recently I was fairly burned out on porn. My new girlfriend is a bisexual sex freak. She loves putting porn on while we have sex, so it's fun again.

What would you like to see in porn that you haven't seen yet?
Mainstream actresses fucking. Other than the fact it would put all current pornographers out of business, I'd love to see all Hollywood movies with porn scenes. The sex scenes in movies have gotten better but they haven't gone far enough. No one would complain if movies were twenty minutes longer if it was because of a solid fuck scene. Fucking well is an art, so don't give me that "I'm an artist" shit.

Tell us about this Alternative Worldz movie that's coming out soon, and what you guys contributed to it.
Yeah, that was a blast. Paul and I did the interview in our old Atlanta office. It made me realize how long we've been in the game, and it was fun to reminisce about all the adventures we've had.

One of the chicks that's involved in the video is a local fixture in Atlanta that, um, has been involved in the escorting business in a managerial capacity for a long time. I swear I think she wanted to suck me off on camera during the interview. I'm a sick fuck so I was considering it. But then one of the crew told me about how they were over at her house one night and she fucked herself with a scrub brush. Ouch. So I decided against it.

I did go over to their "studio" to do some voice commentary for the DVD right before I left Atlanta and it looks like the vid is going to turn our pretty good. I watched some of the other people they'd interviewed or done footage on. Damn! I thought we were strange.

I'm not sure when it comes out, but I hope we make it on there. They were making it for Adam Eve, so I'm not sure if we'll be on there because I worked for those guys in college and got shit-canned for using their high-end color printer (this was back in '95) to print fake IDs. I know they still remember that one.

Are you guys millionaires yet? Any advice for aspiring pornographers?
The only person that thinks we're millionaires is the IRS. Fucking taxes. We're doing well enough that we don't have to worry about getting a real job anytime soon. I figure if we ever grow up we'll stop spending all our money on trying to experience as much as we can and put some money in the bank. Nah.

As for aspiring pornographers, just do whatever it is that trips your trigger. Otherwise it'll be fake. If you can't put your heart into it you're not going to succeed. If you're going to put the kind of work in that it takes to make it in this incredibly competitive industry you better be doing what you love.

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