No Theatrical Release for Powder Blue

Powder Blue, the long-awaited debut of nude Jessica Biel has been discussed at great length over the last few months here at But now a new wrinkle has splashed the story back onto the blog like a glob of goo flung on a peep show floor.

Apparently, the powers that be have decided to forego a theatrical release and send the movie straight to the masturbator-friendly DVD format in June.

Those looking for the Biel-boobs will be able to find them on the shelf in between Victor Salva’s 1995 fantasy Powder and the Clive Owen action flick Powder Keg.

After seeing the screen shots of Jessica’s jugs and junk-in-the-trunk, we feel sure that the ignominy of a straight-to-DVD release will not make a dent in the sterling reputation of this auspicious nude debut. After all, who still remembers that Proust couldn’t find a publisher and had to press the first volume of la recherche du temps perdu on his own?

Every cloud has a silver lining and every silver lining has a touch of gray.

Although you won’t be able to see Jessica’s stupendous TA on a big screen like University students across the country have been doing with Sasha Grey's poop chute in Pirates II: Stagnetti's Revenge, you will be able to lock yourself in a room with your Hi-Def TV screen, a remote control, and a gas mask loaded with nitrous oxide cartridges.

And isn’t that skin-finitely better?