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How Many Sexy Pictures Of Halle Berry Are Yet To Come?

It might come as a bit of a shock to everyone, but did you know that Halle Berry wasn’t on Instagram? It’s true. As hard to believe as it is, Halle Berry has kept her beauty off of the social media picture sharing app until yesterday. I think we all can say that Instagram just got a little more beautiful.

Many of us would have probably enjoyed a picture of Halle Berry on the beach, enjoying the sun in a two-piece or maybe Halle Berry showing off some cleavage in a stunning dress she is going to wear to a red carpet movie premier, but instead Halle Berry had someone snap a picture of staring off into the woods. Of course, she happens to be topless while doing so, but we only get to see her back. And you know what, I’m totally okay with that. While seeing Halle Berry topless from the front is always a great thing, I can’t help, but look at her back and be filled with hope and joy of what’s to come on Halle Berry’s Instagram page. Though, she does have a pretty sexy back.

Let’s all take a moment and thank Halle Berry for joining Instagram. Seeing more Halle Berry will certainly make all of our lives just a little bit better.