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Some Skin? No Skin? What Will We See?

If you’ve been the movies at any point this summer you might have had a similar feeling to what I felt. It doesn’t seem like there are that many good movies on their way to theaters. But, I am still holding out hope for one particular movie, Passengers. Besides liking both of the stars, Chris Pratt and Jennifer Lawrence, and the interesting plot, there is one reason that makes me excited most of all:Passengers has Jennifer Lawrence’s first sex scene.

Of course, what all entails a Jennifer Lawrence sex scene?We won’t know for awhile. Will there be Jennifer Lawrence butt? Will there be Jennifer Lawrence sideboob? Could there possibly be Jennifer Lawrence frontboob? Or will there be a ton of skin, but all the good parts blocked by random objects in the room? Seriously, I hate when that happens. The movie is set on a spaceship so who knows? maybe there'llbe some zero gravity lovemaking.

I’ve been looking back on J-Law’s past films and what she has and hasn’t shown. I don’t think she’s afraid to show some skin-she’s shown quite a bit, but I don’t know if she’ll go full frontal or anything like that. In the end, it’s up to Jennifer Lawrence to decide what she wants show and what she wants to hide. Still, I’m pretty excited to see her first big screen sex scene. Passengers will hit theaters sometime in December.