Today is the Mr. Skin Hall-of-Famer Kate Winslet's 42 birthday, and we certainly owe this sexy, talented woman a tribute. She's long been a proponent of nudity, and she has often said she wants to be proud of her naked body and inspire other women with "normal bodies" to do the same. We love it!

Kate was once the dubbed the youngest person to get six Oscar nominations and has done countless nude scenes. Coincidence? I mean, ok, maybe, but probably not. Happy birthday, Kate! We love ya!

Happy Birthday, Kate Winslet!Happy Birthday, Kate Winslet!

Happy Birthday, Kate Winslet!

Happy Birthday, Kate Winslet!

Happy Birthday, Kate Winslet!Happy Birthday, Kate Winslet!

And as for the news? Kate Winslet is going to be in the forever impending Avatar sequels as a character named Ronal.