Friday Reminder: Favoriting Is Fantastic

Hello there everyone! I have a friendly (and hopefully quite helpful) reminder for those of you not taking full advantage of the favoriting feature yet. Favorites basically allow you to mark all the scenes, celebrities, titles, and playlists you love and keep them together for easy access, making a totally customized Mr. Skin experience for you.

It's pretty easy to do - just click that heart image on any picture, and it will automatically save it to your faves. By clicking the check mark that appears (pictured above), you can sort it into a specific list too!

Friday Reminder: Favoriting Is Fantastic

One awesome update is the notification center - your account will show notifications for celebrities, shows, etc. on your favorites lists that have recently been updated, so you never miss a thing.

It's a pretty amazing feature, and our members consistently tell us that creating a favorites list improves their experience. If you're new to Mr. Skin (welcome!) or just haven't dabbled around in the favorites center yet, give it a go this weekend!