There Is No Question When It Comes To Elizabeth Olsen's Hotness

You know, there are some things in life that we just know to be true. Water is wet, fire is hot, and Reese’s Peanut Butter cups are the greatest candy ever invented; all of these are facts of life. I would like to add one more to the list of things no one can ever doubt: Elizabeth Olsen is always hot.

I know the statement that Elizabeth Olsen is always hot is a very broad statement and there might be some out there who are thinking of a counter argument, but I would like for everyone to take a moment and think of all the times they’ve seen Elizabeth Olsen. Whether in a movie, on television, in a picture, or if you are lucky enough to have seen her in real life, really think about those moments and ask yourself; “Was Elizabeth Olsen not hot in each of those moments?” Odds are the answer is yes, Elizabeth Olsen was hot in each and every one of those moments. It doesn’t matter where she is or what she’s doing, Elizabeth Olsen is hot, it is a simple fact of life.

The debate is over and there is no more need to discuss the issue. Elizabeth Olsen is always hot. Now, let’s sit back and enjoy this new, incredibly sexy fact.

Photo Credit: Splash News