Former Lover Claims He Drove Megan Fox into the Arms of a Lesbian Stripper

You know Megan Fox is sexy. Mr. Skin knows Megan Fox is sexy. The whole world knows Megan Fox is sexy. But now Megan's childhood sweetheart and former fianc has come forward to say, "I was the first person to know Megan Fox is sexy."

In fact, Megan's extreme sexiness is what drove the pair apart, as he knew Megan was just too hot for one man to handle. Heat like that needs to be shared with the entire world!

Fox's first boyfriend gave an interview to News of the World and blabbed all about Meg's wild ways and admitted that he definitely believes that Megan bedded a sexy stripper:

"It did not surprise me one bit to hear that when we broke up Megan ran straight into the arms of a female stripper.

"Because that was typical Megan."She was wild, very sexy and totally into exploring anything.

“So if Megan says she bedded a female stripper called Nikita I know she will not be lying. It is the kind of thing which would have totally turned her on.

"At first I loved that side of Megan but then three years down the line she just seemed to get wilder and more obsessed with making it in Hollywood and in the end it broke my heart but I had to let her go. I just could not handle her and knew she was way out of my league.

"Megan loved looking at women's bodies.

“She just had no inhibitions and made no bones about the fact she liked to fantasise about being with a woman.

"There were many times she would look at magazines for hours pointing out which actresses she thought were hot. Angelina Jolie was high up on her list.

"She would say: 'Look at her body Ben it's gorgeous don't you think?'

"She just loved women who were not conventionally pretty and looked like they were into anything. Because that's what Megan was like.

"Back then she never said she actually wanted to have sex with a girl but I knew it was one of her fantasies because she told me.

"So I am not in the slightest bit shocked one of the first people she slept with after I had ended our relationship was a woman.

"It doesn't upset me though, it just makes me realise I was right, she was too wild for me."

Ben went on to reveal:

"Megan's body has always been totally hot. Slim but curvy in all the right places and she was never shy about showing it off."

Mr. Skin hopes that Ben is right, because the whole world is waiting to see Megan show off her incredible body. Please, Megan, get nude soon!