rossum roundtable 2

And by "turkey", of course, we mean those juicy little fryers she's got hanging off of her chest.

Emmy Rossum didn't quite match the outstanding nude heights of Shameless' first season this year, but our hard-on rages on for the enchanting Ms. Rossum. Apparently The Hollywood Reporter's does too, because when they asked Emmy to participate in their annual Emmy roundtable (coincidence? we think not), it didn't take long for talk to turn to her awesome assets:

THR: Speaking of body image, Emmy, you've done quite a bit of nudity on your show. How did you decide that it was OK?

Rossum: I thought it suited the character. This is a very low-income family, they have very thin walls, they don't have money for entertainment, and this girl likes to have sex. For me to glam-ify her would be not realistic. I have a lot of control over what I want to show, when I want to show it and when I don't want to show it.

THR: Are you in a constant negotiation with [Producer] John Wells about this stuff?

Rossum: Not at all. But originally, when they made the contract it was like, "You will show partial side boob, you will show two cheeks " When I got on set - I'd never done nudity before - I was like, "Oh, everyone here is human." get comfortable, and your crew is your family. At this point, the camera guy is like, "Oh, God, not again." [If he's so sick of it, we'll gladly take over for him -SC]

Danes: I don't love stripping down, but I also don't love the idea of being kind of coy or prudish for the sake of it.

Oh, hello Claire Danes, where did you come from? We were trying to talk to Emmy...So, Emmy, what temperature do they set the thermostat when you're about to shoot a nude scene? Do you have to rub ice cubes on your nipples to get 'em nice and perky, like in Showgirls? Oh Emmy, we could listen to you all day...

Catch up with all the breast scenes from Shameless dame Emmy Rossum right here at!