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Beatrice Boepple

Beatrice Boepple Nude

Brief Nudity

Keywords: Brief Nudity, White, Brunette Hair, Medium Breasts, Real Breasts, Average Body

Nude Roles: 1

Birthplace: Bennington, Vermont, US

Date of Birth: 02/07/62

Top Beatrice Boepple Scenes

Quarantine (1989) Nude, breasts 01:13:00 You may need to towel off after glimpsing Bea's right boob after she takes off her shirt to towel down her gentleman friend. (56 secs)


With a name like Beatrice Boepple, it’s only a matter of time before the producers ask you to drop your top and start boepple-ing all over the place, but this lovely New Englander took an interesting route to Skin Central. After making not much of an impression in the 1987 smash Stakeout, Beatrice showed up as “Nun” in the classic Sidney Poitier action flick Shoot to Kill (1988). After that she got to play the mother of our favorite nightstalker in 1989’s A Nightmare on Elm Street 5: The Dream Child and followed that up by going topless for a swimming-pool catfight in something called Quarantine (1989). Aside from a part in a 1990 TV movie entitled Midnight Matinee, BB has gone the way of so many skin gals before her: into oblivion!