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Acapulco H.E.A.T.

Acapulco H.E.A.T.

No Nudity


Way back in 1993, audiences shunned a really stupid TV series called Acapulco H.E.A.T. Why would they do that? Oh, I dunno, maybe because it starred FABIO?! Maybe because it was about a team of terrorism fighters that masquerade as SWIMSUIT SELLERS?! Maybe because it was quite possibly the silliest TV series since… I’ve actually been sitting here for ten minutes now trying to think of a series that was anywhere near as silly as this one. I’m stumped. I’ve got nothing. I’m lost for words. Starring ex-Playboy hottie Alison Armitage and full-frontal goddess Lydie Denier, I guess it doesn’t really matter what the storyline is but why remake a series that stunk up the joint from the outset five years earlier? Did they think that making the series WITHOUT Catherine Oxenberg and replacing her with a computer geek character would somehow make it more appealing to male audiences? Huh? Wha? I’m living in a cuckoo clock!