You'd Be The Envy Of YourNeighborhood

The art of lawn decoration (if you really want to call it art) is very tricky, but when done well canbe remarkable. A simple decorative stone bench could add a bit of class to your yard, but a cluster of plastic frogs pretending to be in a jug band will make everyone in your neighborhood avoid you at all costs. Probably the best thing any of us could do is add a nude Kendall Jenner to our yards.

Now, I have no idea how much it would cost to get a nude Kendall Jenner to lay in your yard. My guess is a lot, you’d probably shell out quite a large amount to have Kendall Jenner lay nude in your yard. Plus you’d have to get the stone picnic table and the chandelier—that’s going to add a pretty penny to the bill. Then again, isn’t it worth it? Wouldn’t seeing Kendall Jenner nude in your yard totally be worth the cost? After all, you would no doubt be the envy of the entire neighborhood. Heck, I bet you could even place a bunch of pink flamingos around her and no one would say a single thing to you. They’d probably never even see them.

Sadly, none of us will ever really be able to afford a nude Kendall Jenner in our yards. But luckily we can see how it amazing it would look thanks to this pic. It would look really sexy.