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Julie Jurištová

Julie Jurištová Nude

Brief Nudity

Keywords: Brief Nudity, White, Blonde Hair, Medium Breasts, Real Breasts, Average Body

Nude Roles: 1

Birthplace: Znojmo, CS

Date of Birth: 11/29/55

AKA: Julie Juristová, J. Juristová


Czech actress Julie Jurstova graduated from college with a degree in Acting then joined the Prague Municipal Theater Company where she stayed for 15 years appearing a large number of plays. She eventually left to start her own theatre company which also included an acting school for children. During this time, she put together an impressive resume of TV and film acting parts, but she left most of that behind in the mid-1990’s to focus on teaching and running her theatre company.

The booty and boobs Julie shows in Aber Doktor (1980) will have you teaching the fleshing student in your pants a hard lesson. In one scene, she runs and her skirt flies up, showing off her ass in some cheeky panties. Later, she comes out of a lake topless then lays down on the beach. As she walks out of the water we get to see both her funbags then we get a very good close up of the left one as she lays out.