Most men are possessive when it comes to their possessions. We don’t want some other goon to come along and handle our material goods, particularly when that material good is the woman we are married to. The left-behind husband in The Hunting Party (1971) takes cold comfort in the knowledge that his wife did not of her own will fall into the brutish embrace of a lout other than himself. The fair bride in this tale of vengeance gone insane is abducted from a one-room schoolhouse in the Old West. A roving desperado snatches her away with the intention of being taught how to read. Reading, however, is not as fun to him as carnal assault. Unlikely, but credibly, the unwilling adulteress comes to develop a crush upon her savage seducer. The spurned husband, heavily armed and accompanied by a sporting posse of long-range riflemen, reacts badly.