Welcome to a new series here at Mr. Skin where we take a look at Hollywood's Golden Age...its NUDE Golden Age. We are considering The Golden Age of Nudity in film to be the 1980s, specifically the early 80s. After our weekly deep dive, you will be inclined to agree. This week we are going to take a look at The Slumber Party Massacre and its iconic nude scenes.

The Golden Age of Nudity: The Slumber Party MassacreThe Golden Age of Nudity: The Slumber Party Massacre

This iconic slasher film from 1982 was written and directed by a woman. Amy Jo Holden was a rising starlet in the movie business who originally wanted to be a documentarian. She wrote to Martin Scorsese in the 1970s for advice and he offered her a job on the set of Taxi Driver! It's there that she met several important people like Roger Corman, Hal Ashby, and her future hubby.

The Golden Age of Nudity: The Slumber Party Massacre

She was making a name for herself in the industry and showed off her editing skills that were so good she was offered the job to edit E.T. but when that schedule was pushed back, she took the opportunity to direct her own movie when she was only 27-years-old.

The Golden Age of Nudity: The Slumber Party Massacre

1982's The Slumber Party Massacre was her debut feature and it was loaded with nudity from young stars. The brutal slasher script was written by Rita Mae Brown, but it was meant to be a parody of horror films. However, there were not enough slasher films out yet for the humor to be clear. As a result, Amy directed the script as a straightforward horror movie (the jokes are still there though!).

The Golden Age of Nudity: The Slumber Party Massacre

The Golden Age of Nudity: The Slumber Party Massacre

The plot follows a high school senior played by up-and-coming beauty Michelle Michaels whose parents are headed out of town for the weekend. No parties, right? Michelle figures that a slumber party with her best girl pals will be fine, so she invites her friends over. Her friends are played by Brinke Stevens, Gina Smika, and Debra Deliso.

While the girls are giggling and hanging out together, an escaped mass murderer is on the run with a drill in his hand. He wants to get back to killing - what better place than a slumber party with nubile young women?

The Golden Age of Nudity: The Slumber Party Massacre

The rest of the movie follows the young women as they try to survive the night against this drill-wielding killer who wants to nail them dead. You might just want to nail them after seeing four nude scenes from these tight-bodied young women. Gina is the only one who uses a body double in her scene where she makes out with a horny young lad in the car. That man lifts her top to expose her round breasts. Her headlights look hot in this car makeout scene!

The Golden Age of Nudity: The Slumber Party Massacre

The movie had mixed reviews at the time, but it went on to become a cult classic. There were several sequels made and it is now considered one of the best underrated slasher flicks of the 1980s. The sex sells it!

The Golden Age of Nudity: The Slumber Party Massacre