Two Oscar favorites, the fifth season of a smash hit show, and two 80s skin classics are yours to discover today on DVD Blu-ray!
Cate Blanchett and Rooney Mara both earned Oscar nominations for their strong work in this gorgeously filmed 1950's melodrama. Their three and a half minute lesbian scene at the 1hour15 minute mark gives this art house hit plenty of crossover appeal!
The Big Short
This comedy scored a well-deserved Oscar for Best Adapted Screenplay last month, and you'll want to start polishing your trophy when you get a load of a toplessHeighlen Boydstripping for Steve Carell,and Margot Robbie looking sexy in a bubble bath!
Game of Thrones Season 5
Just in time for next month's premiere of Season 6,catch up with all the best nudity from Season 5 like Lena Headey/Rebecca Van Cleave's Walk of Shame, Rosabell Laurenti Sellers' knockout nude debut, Carice van Houten's nude return, and the fabulous full frontal from Meena Rayann! And that's not even half the nude scenes from this season!
This 1984 boob comedy classic has tons of nudity, all of it looking better than ever on Blu-ray! Give your hard body a workout tothe twin topless treats of Teal Roberts and Cindy Silver, as well as the tantalizing ta-tas of Jackie Easton and Darcy DeMoss!
Private Resort
Also making its Blu-ray debut today is one of Johnny Depp's earliest embarrassments, though there's nothing embarrassing about the high def delights from Leslie Easterbrook, Vickie Benson, and Hilary Shepard!