My Sweet Audrina (2016)is a Lifetime adaption of the 1982 novel, which is immensely denser than the movie. The story begins with Audrina (India Eisley) when she's young, though she has no real concept of time thanks to how sheltered she's been her entire life. Her family tells her stories of her older sister, also named Audrina, who was murdered in the woods before she was born. A whole slew of tragic events unfold, including her new husband having an affair with her evil cousin Vera (Tess Atkins) who is hell bent on ruining her life) and a ton of people falling down the stairs and dying, but the icing on the cake is the twist at the end, when we finally understand why Audrina's memory is so messed up and who she really is. Well, that and the time we get to see her on the beach in her bikini with Tess. That's pretty sweet, too.