Mr. Skin's New Book 'Being Mr. Skin' Now Available!

Mr. Skin's third book—his first focused almost exclusively on himself and his business—Being Mr. Skin: 20 Years of Nip Slips, Cheek Peeks, and Fast-Forwarding to the Good Parts is now available to buy wherever fine books are sold!

You’ve heard Mr. Skin onThe Howard Stern Show. You’ve seen his website in the blockbuster comedyKnocked Up. Maybe you’ve spent some time poking around on, the world’s #1 resource for celebrity nudity. Now, Jim McBride—“Mr. Skin” himself—tells his story in uproarious, SKINtastic fashion…nip-slips, cheek-peeks, muff-scruffs and all!

Being Mr. Skindetails how Jim rose from being a suburban teen in the ‘80s with an impressively annotated videotape collection and an expert recall of the most sensational and sensuous scenes from every movie ever made, to his current status as Chief Sexecutive Officer of—a naked-star-studded pop culture powerhouse. You’ll be riveted as Jim chronicles the unbelievable journey of juggling suburban family life while establishing his online sensation, quickly becoming the “World’s Foremost Authority on Celebrity Nudity.”

Throughout this upward (and outward) saga of Tinseltown TA triumphs, you’ll get the inside skinny on:

• The first time Mr. Skin appeared onThe Howard Stern Showand how he became a regular on the greatest radio program of all time!

• How Judd Apatow turned Mr. Skin into the surprise breakout star ofKnocked Up!

• The time, effort, and tissues it takes to track every nude rack and crack in every movie and TV show ever made!

• How some of your favorite actresses feel about being featured on the website—including several Anatomy Award winners!

• The truth about Mr. Skin, The Family Man—Thereisa real Mrs. Skin and therearethree lovely “skinfants.”

• Mr. Skin’s most stunning showcases and shout-outs in top-tier media, includingSaturday Night Live,Family Guy,The People’s Choice Awards,American Idol, andThe Adam Carolla Show!

• How (and why) Mr. became one of the first-ever commercially successful websites.

Throughout it all, Jim’s story amuses and amazes on every page.Being Mr. Skinsupplies one-of-a-kind insights into how he transformed an offbeat passion into a popular and profitable phenomenon against all manner of odds—only some of which involve unclothed body parts—all with the help of his dedicated staff, friends, and, yes…even his mom!

Being Mr. Skinis what Jim McBride does, it’s who he is. And now—for the first time in book form—you can enjoy nothing but “the good parts” (no fast-forwarding necessary).