1992 was a good time. The Cold War was over and everybody was down to party. People everywhere were screaming, "No more apocalypse! Let’s all get naked and fuck!" Everyone thought the world was bright and shiny, so luckily for us a nice collection of actresses decided to show us their bright and shinies.
The nude scene to end all nude scenes. Sharon Stone. Basic Instinct. I dare you try. I dare you not to be absolutely completely skin-shatteringly melted into a molten puddle of arousal by this scene. Sharon Stone shows her baby machine and the art of seduction itself would never be the same again. Watch it until you loose your mind and your nut. Jeanne Tripplehorn shows us her double horns in Basic Instinct, great juggs lost among the hubbub of Sharon Stone’s bub. Be blown away by Nicole Eggert in Blown Away as she climbs on top and gives us a demonstration of how a real woman does it. Jane March marches right up to the camera, full body exposed as she waters plants and waters your plant in this scene from The Lover. And don’t miss the next scene as she gets porked on the floor! Get a mad on for Helen Hunt of Mad About You fame as she give you two, big, juicy reasons to be mad about her. I think I know two ways Mad About You could’ve been even better… Enjoy 1992. Mr. Skin sure did!