Everybody's lining up to see Prometheus this weekend (and we've got stars Charlize Theron and Noomi Rapace nude here at MrSkin.com), but if sci-fi space adventures aren't your thing, how about some out-of-this world nudity on the big screen?
Bel Ami (2012) opens in limited release this weekend, and although period romances aren't usually Mr. Skin's style, when the bare chi-chis of Christina Ricci are involved, we say: rip those bodices, ladies! Christina bares boobs lounging seductively on a bed (left) as she waits for her side piece Robert Pattinson, and Natalia Tena (who you may know as the "wildling" Osha on Game of Thrones) makes a brief appearance as a lady of leisure (that's old-timey slang for "village bicycle") who's upset that Pattinson has moved on to a new woman. So upset, in fact, that her nips pop out of the top of her corset as she yells at him. So say "Oui, Oui" to Bel Ami!
And The Loved Ones (2009) has been around on the festival circuit for almost three years now, but as of last weekend it finally arrived Stateside in limited release. Up-and-coming Aussie actress Robin McLeavy stars as Lola, aka "Princess", a shy and reclusive high school outcast who responds- shall we say- less than favorably when damaged hand-banger Brent (Xavier Samuel) turns down her invitation to the prom. Like torture with a power drill "less than favorably." Robin strips down to her bra and panties 24 minutes in as she changes into her prom dress, but it's brunette stunner Victoria Thaine (right) who really spins Mr. Skin's disco ball 6 minutes in when she bares boobage making out in a car. That'll put the pin in your corsage.
For the skinny on all the latest skin to arrive in theaters and on demand, be sure to check out this week's Mr. Skin Minute right here at MrSkin.com!