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Miley Cyrus

Miley Cyrus Nude

Great Nudity!

Keywords: Great Nudity!, White, Blonde Hair, Medium Breasts, Real Breasts, Skinny Body, Childhood Star

Nude Roles: 7

Birthplace: Franklin, Tennessee, US

Date of Birth: 11/23/92

Real Name: Destiny Hope Cyrus

57 Blog Posts for this celebrity

Top Miley Cyrus Scenes

Wrecking Ball (2013) Nude, butt, breasts Miley licks a sledgehammer, bares left boob while riding a wrecking ball, and writhes on broken stone. While she's knocking things down, you'll be going up! (1 min 36 secs)
Saturday Night Live (1975) Nude, breasts Ep. 39x02 Miley's left knob slips out of her overalls and she quickly moves her jacket to cover it. Speaking of moving to quickly to jack-et... (11 secs)
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Some celebrity careers start slow and other's careers break through the wall of fame like some sort of heavy machinery used for the demolition of buildings. Well the legendary Miley Cyrus came through like the latter and luckily had the songwriting gumption to come up with a better chorus for her musical career than us! Miley comes our way from Franklin, Tennessee, born in September of 1992 to another legend in the songwriting world, Billy Ray Cyrus and her mom "Tish" Cyrus was an actress. Her birth name was actually Destiny Hope Cyrus, named because it was her "destiny" for greatness and "hope" because she was born with SVT, a heart condition that causes a rapid resting heart beat. Her mom and dad noticed how much baby Destiny was smiling throughout her youth and began calling her "Smiley", which was then shortened to "Miley". Fun fact about her too, because her dad was such a legend in the world of country music in the early 1990's, mostly caused by his mega cross-over hit "Achy Breaky Heart" going multi-platinum, she is Dolly Parton's goddaughter through the country crossover connection of dad and Dolly on a couple of songs around the time she was born.

Now because of the Cyrus family being in the spotlight for so many years through the 90's and early 2000's, it was about 2001 when Miley took up her first acting role on her dad's TV show Doc, where he played a rural doctor running a family clinic. This first turn for her as the adorable child-star lead to her being signed by a talent agent, her mom taking up the role of her "manager" as well, and then Miley getting her first really big break in the Tim Burton Oscar Nominated flick Big Fish (2003), where she played the 8 year old Ruthie. With her acting career picking up steam at the age of 11, it wasn't long before this talented kid from a famous family caught the eye of the Disney Channel and she went in to audition for the role of Hannah Montana, a teenager who leads a double life as a normal kid named "Miley Stewart" and a huge pop star named "Hannah Montana". The show quickly became the most watched show on the Disney Channel and propelled young Miley Cyrus into the stratosphere of fame at just 14 years old.

With her dad being a co-star, Dolly Parton being her godmother, and the power of Mickey Mouse fully behind Miley's career, she made hay while the sun was shining on Hannah Montana and immediately began writing, producing, and performing songs. She handled the show's theme song and even landed a couple hits on the Billboard top 200 with the studio album that was put out and credited to her alter-ego character. Miley also lent her voice to the animated feature Bolt (2008), which she helped write the music for and landed a Golden Globe Nomination for Best Song with "I Thought I Lost You" from the soundtrack. Then in 2009, the real party started for the now mega famous pop-star, or should we say "Party in the U.S.A."... because Miley launched her first solo album, her clothing line, and had the anthem of the summer all within a few short months. We can say with the utmost of certainty that if you don't know some of the lyrics to this song, you've likely been living in a cabin in the woods with no radio because it wasn't just an anthem, it was a mega hit that got played more than a billion times at summer BBQs, baseball games, boat parties, graduation parties, anytime someone needed to let their neighbors know they were partying in the U.S. of A! It still get blasted over a decade later at Karaoke nights, without any hesitation.

Now that Miley was a bonafida pop star, movie star, and chart topper with her music, she then immediately began to start having the tabloids coming for her. She first sparked some controversy by doing a photo shoot with Annie Leibovitz, in which the (at the time) underage Miley appeared topless, but it was later confirmed that she wasn't. Then they caught her taking a huge bong rip of salvia that someone leaked onto the internet when she was 18 years old and at a party. She then got filmed licking a cake shaped like penis at her boyfriend Liam Hemsworth's birthday party, and then decided to poke fun at herself with an appearance on Saturday Night Live which showed she was a good sport about her newly minted "troublemaker" persona. She even titled her third studio album "Can't Be Tamed" in 2010 and proved that she couldn't be tamed time and time again with various smaller TV appearances that landed her in the sexy spotlight again and again. She rocked a bikini in Two and a Half Men with her new short hair in 2012, got down to her undies in LOL (2012), and then let a nip slip in the V Magazine Photo Shoot in 2013.

After all of that, Miley became the only reason Cyrus Nude or Miley Naked ever trended on Google. In 2013, Miley also had more people clutching their pearls that anyone else in recorded history with two incidents on the same day! First, she performed at the MTV Video Music Awards where she not only let a nip slip happen to a live audience, she also grinded on a much older Robin Thicke while touching his bathing suit area with a foam finger while wearing a rubber flesh tone bikini... That was the same day she premiered her music video for WRECKING BALL!!! (Which is the only way you are allowed to say that phrase now, by law). Miley spent the entirety of the music video in either skimpy white cotton panties and a tank top with no bra or on a real wrecking ball nude. The controversy of her music video and live performance lasted for about a nanosecond because the video was viewed over 19 million times on YouTube within 24 hours and launched her to #1 with a bullet on the Billboard Chart for the first time.

The #1 single was her second off of her studio album Bangerz and firmly steered the young Miley Cyrus into being the tippy top of the A-List of hot young celebs and she didn't shy away from the sexy spotlight at all, she actually veered right into it. She twerked in her undies in the documentary video Miley Cyrus: Bangerz Tour, put out a couple more skin-tillating music videos; rolling around in her undies in Adore You, showing her butt and bush in the psychedelic Lighter, and BB Talk (where she let a nip slip in a baby doll getup) and even wore a thong while performing at James Franco's Bar Mitzvah. Miley might also have provided us with the most controversial thing to happen "Live from New York" since Sinead O'Connor tore up a picture of The Pope or when Ashlee Simpson got caught lip syncing. Miley accidentally let her left nipple make it's way into a sketch on Saturday Night Live when she hosted and performed in 2013. If you look closely in her sketch with Aidy Bryant and Cecily Strong, she moves to adjust the varsity jacket she is wearing and clearly lets her left boobie out for some air in front of a live studio audience!

Miley has pretty much done it all over the last several years, turning herself into one of the biggest stars in the world. She has played herself in The Night Before (2015), single-handedly brought back pasties and boobie tassels as the only top you need and proved it with an appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live, and even went on to have a brief marriage to Liam Hemsworth. Her signature skimpy clothed music videos continue to come out regularly too. She swam in a mesh bodysuit and nothing else in We Can't Stop, she showed how insane her body is by baring some serious cameltoe and bottom cheeks in white bikini bottoms and a sweater in Malibu, and crawled around a driver-less car in her thong in Nothing Breaks Like a Heart. She also wore a completely see through bra in SHE IS COMING - D.R.E.A.M. sequence, sweat through a white sports bra in a boxing ring in Don't Call Me Angel opposite Ariana Grande and Lana Del Rey, then took over the ball dropping duties in 2021 for Miley's New Year's Eve Party, where she again, showed more inner boob than normal for network TV! She also did an episode of the dark sci-fi series Black Mirror, which saw her getting into an MRI machine in her undies in 2019.

SO when people think about the standard career trajectory for someone who started with a country music dad, cut her teeth on the Disney Channel, and then put out a couple of pop albums, most people don't think of the super stardom caliber career like a Miley Cyrus. This stunner has simply broken to mold of what to expect from someone with a career originating in Franklin, Tennessee and getting a couple of lucky breaks along the way to become one of the most recognizable babes on the planet and the biggest sex symbol to come out of the music world since Madonna. As a matter of fact, she even cites Madonna and Elvis as her two biggest influences, along with godmother Dolly Parton, but she might be heading into territory of originality all of her own. She has performed with rappers, country stars, pop stars, Madonna herself and isn't showing any signs of slowing down in the recording studio and on stage as she's heading into her 30s with more gusto and less clothes than ever!

The vocal virtuoso came out as pansexual in 2014 and has since become a massive influence in the LGBTQ+ community with the founding of her organization The Happy Hippie Foundation, which focuses on helping the homeless, LGBTQ+ and vulnerable populations in a variety of ways. Miley is also an avid supporter of Cannabis usage ever since she's been caught smoking herb a bunch of times and has even gone as far as investing in a couple of weed farms out in California. So behind her perfect boobs lies the big beautiful heart of a philanthropist, stoner, poet, as well as a musician, actress, comedian, sex symbol, and so much more that we're sure hasn't hit the tabloids yet. She also is going to have a career that will last forever as she continues to dominate the music industry, while also guest judging on shows like American Idol, The Voice, and even RuPaul's Drag Race.

To quote the great Dolly Parton about Miley Cyrus "..the girl can write. The girl can sing. The girl is smart. And she doesn't have to be so drastic. But I will respect her choices. I did it my way, so why can't she do it her way?" Truer words have never been spoken by the biggest angel on earth, Dolly. MIley is now even so much a part of the Zeitgeist of the modern world today that they teach classes around her at colleges called "The Sociology of Miley Cyrus: Race, Class, Gender and Media". So saying that someone used their talent, sexiness, and fearlessness to transcend the highest levels of pop stardom, fame, and fortune can probably be summed up with one simple phrase... "SHE CAME IN LIKE A WRECKING BALL!!!!!"


Flowers (2023) - as Self

Nude, butt, breasts, sexy, underwear 00:01:00 A long-distance shot of Miley's moneymaker in the shower followed by the singer dangerously close to showing nip while dancing around in a black coat with nothing underneath it. (44 secs)

Miley's New Year's Eve Party (2021) - as Self - Host

BB Talk (2015) - as Self

Nude, sexy, underwear, breasts 00:00:30 Perverts are sure to love seeing Miley dressed like a baby and crawling around, even slipping some right nip as she does so! (1 min 10 secs)

Hot Girls Wanted (2015) - as Self

Lighter (2015) - as Self

Nude, butt, bush 00:02:45 This music video finds Miley sitting nude on the floor in a psychedelic funk, briefly baring her bush and tush! (19 secs)

Adore You (2013) - as Self

Nude, breasts Miley's leather jacket parts like the heavens to let her left nipple spring forth. (6 secs)

We Can't Stop (2013) - as Self

Wrecking Ball (2013) - as Self

Nude, butt, breasts Miley licks a sledgehammer, bares left boob while riding a wrecking ball, and writhes on broken stone. While she's knocking things down, you'll be going up! (1 min 36 secs)

LOL (2012) - as Lola Williams

Malibu - as Self

TV Shows

Crisis in Six Scenes (2016) - as Lennie Dale

Black Mirror (2011-2023) - as Ashley O

Jimmy Kimmel Live! (2003-2019) - as Self

Two and a Half Men (2003-2015) - as Missi

MTV Video Music Awards (1984-2024) - as Self - Musical Guest

Nude, breasts Ep. 32x01 | 00:41:13 Miley (accidentally—yeah right) flashes her left nipple while attempting to hide behind a curtain while hosting the VMAs! (18 secs)
Nude, breasts Ep. 39x02 Miley's left knob slips out of her overalls and she quickly moves her jacket to cover it. Speaking of moving to quickly to jack-et... (11 secs)

The Grammy Awards (1959) - as Self

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