All-time top-ranked Mr. Skin Hall of Famer and Paris-born out-of-this-world heavenly body Mathilda May is to die for in horror maven Tobe Hooper's sci-fi cult blowout Lifeforce (1985)—literally! As the tempting and clothing-deprived Space Girl, the entire film showcases French sensation Mathilda May nude, but one kiss from her lusciously plump lips sucks all comers dry—what a way to go, though! Mathilda Maye, nude the entire time, has no dialogue in Lifeforce, but her fleshy planets, Milky Way-smooth ass, and black hole speak volumes. Lifeforce, in fact, endures as a masterpiece (of ass) specifically because it exposed all of humanity to the carnally cosmic wonders of Mathilda May nude — from Mathilda May's nude tits to Matilda May's nude ass, to Matilda May's nude pussy. Oh, that sweet, hairy, tres French Mathilda May pussy! And those huge, buoyant, nude Mathilda May boobs! And that naked Mathilda May ass — we can, and will (and do) wax orgasmic over Mathilda May nude in Lifeforce throughout time and space for all eternity. As the daughter of a prima ballerina for the Sweden Malmo Ballet Company, Mathilda was born fit for bearing skin. Becoming a dancer herself early on, Mathilda May crafted an exquisite physique that is clearly built for banging as it emphasizes each of her gloriously curvaceous naked parts. For a closer look at that treasure chest behold the aptly named The Tit and the Moon (1994), where Mathilda busts out her boobs to squirt milk into an open mouth during a naked funbagtastic fantasy sequence. Mathilda delivered on the carnal promise of her provocative in a vastly arousing array of French films, including the provocatively titled Naked Tango (1990)--Mathilda May, Mr. Skin have this dance?