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Margrit Evelyn Newton

Margrit Evelyn Newton Nude

Great Nudity!

Keywords: Great Nudity!, White, Brunette Hair, Medium Breasts, Real Breasts, Average Body

Nude Roles: 3

Birthplace: , IT

AKA: Margie Newton, Margie Moreau, Margi Eveline Newton, Margi Evelyn Newton

4 Blog Posts for this celebrity

Top Margrit Evelyn Newton Scenes

Act of Revenge (1989) Nude, breasts, butt, bush 00:41:00 She whips off her towel to show EVERYTHING during a locker room lezzie love-fest with Cinzia Scalzi. (2 mins 4 secs)
Act of Revenge (1989) Nude, breasts, butt, bush 00:52:00 Marg doffs her duds, and the sight of her gorgeous, naked, 3-B-baring bod gives her old man a coronary. We can relate. (54 secs)
Hell of the Living Dead (1980) Nude, breasts, thong 00:37:00 Naked save for some body paint and a leafy jungle-thong, Margrit airs out her Marg-tits encountering some natives. (1 min 11 secs)
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Margrit started her career off way back in 1979 with a bit part in the Italian flick ~La Vedova del trullo~, and subsequently made a career out of appearing in Euro-style horror flicks and thrillers like ~The Last Warrior~, ~The Adventures of Hercules~, and ~Bronx Executioner~. Sadly, after she landed a part in her first truly notable film, 1990’s ~Jours tranquilles a Clichy~ opposite Andrew McCarthy, Margrit disappeared from the acting scene, seemingly forever. To her credit, though, she didn’t leave the biz before she left a lasting legacy of Skin on celluloid, most notably in the 1981 Italian gore-flick ~Hell of the Living Dead~. (Now ~that’s~ a title!) There are several looks at her luscious breasts in the film, including a savory close-up, so be sure to check it out.


Act of Revenge (1989) - as NA

Nude, breasts, butt 00:20:00 See her Marg-tits, her plum bum, and even a hint of her fig Newton as her guy digs in and enjoys a box lunch at the Y. (1 min 5 secs)
Nude, breasts, butt, bush 00:41:00 She whips off her towel to show EVERYTHING during a locker room lezzie love-fest with Cinzia Scalzi. (2 mins 4 secs)
Nude, breasts, butt, bush 00:52:00 Marg doffs her duds, and the sight of her gorgeous, naked, 3-B-baring bod gives her old man a coronary. We can relate. (54 secs)

Una tenera follia (1986) - as N/A

Nude, breasts 00:33:00 Margrit and her man get sandy and randy at the beach. Nice shots of her sunlit snoobs when he pulls down her swimwear. (2 mins 6 secs)
Nude, breasts 00:58:00 More nice right side breastage when a topless Margrit enjoys a seaside makeout marathon. (26 secs)

The Final Executioner (1984) - as Diane (as Margie Newton)

Hell of the Living Dead (1980) - as Lia Rousseau

Nude, breasts, thong 00:37:00 Naked save for some body paint and a leafy jungle-thong, Margrit airs out her Marg-tits encountering some natives. (1 min 11 secs)
Nude, breasts, thong 00:41:15 Margrit is participating in some sort of jungle ceremony, and has her breasts exposed, though they are painted up! Paint or no paint, those are some top notch ta-tas! (1 min 19 secs)

The Last Hunter (1980) - as Carol

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