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Lena Headey

Lena Headey Nude

Hall of Fame Nudity!

Keywords: Hall of Fame Nudity!, White, Brunette Hair, Small Breasts, Real Breasts, Average Body

Nude Roles: 11

Birthplace: Hamilton, Bermuda, UK

Date of Birth: 10/03/73

69 Blog Posts for this celebrity

Top Lena Headey Scenes

Waterland (1992) Nude, breasts 00:16:00 Get Headey! Lena loosens her clothes and gets it on with a classmate on a moving train. See bouncing bits of boobage. (40 secs)
Waterland (1992) Nude, breasts 00:20:00 Much clearer, really nice look at Lena's bean-as when she and her fella prepare to do it. (1 min 47 secs)
Aberdeen (2000) Nude, breasts 00:01:00 Shadowy boobs a'bouncin' in slow-mo as Lena boffs some dude before the opening credits. (22 secs)
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Lena Headey nude. Those are three of the most magnificent words in any language from here to The Other Side of the Wall in Westeros. The once and forever Queen Cersei of HBO's all-time sex-and-swordplay powerhouse went topless for her torrid debut in Waterland (1992), but that was only the start of Lena Headey's numerous nude scenes. This gorgeous Brit then took the title of Loved Up (1995) very seriously in a seriously sexy scene. The 1995 mini-series Band of Gold further cemented Lena's shameless rep with her role as a dominatrix, while she only made us more Headey clowning around with another gal in Mrs. Dalloway (1997). And don't miss one of the great lingerie scenes of all time from a 1997 episode of the cable anthology series The Hunger. Her first bid for American stardom was in the college drama Gossip (2000), but guys were more dazzled by her brazen nudity throughout Aberdeen (2000)—not to mention how her ass and titties enjoy their freedom in The Parole Officer (2001). Lena finally hit the big time by going big time nude in 300 (2006), and she was a topless perfect 10 in the horror hit The Broken (2008). That'll fix ya. In 2011 she was cast as a lead in the flesh-filled HBO series Game of Thrones, but used a body-double butt in her only nude scene on the series. Later in the epic undertaking, Lena again employed a body double for her history-making Walk of Shame, which to date remains the most expensive nude scene ever mounted. CGI technicians grafted Lena Headey's head on to the body double's all-points-naked body. Luckily, Lena stopped playing games with our bones in 2015's Zipper, when she bared both breasts again during a sex scene!


9 Bullets (2022) - as Gypsy Moon

Nude, breasts 00:28:25 Some great looks at Lena's breasts with their massive nips as she has sex with the guy from Avatar! (1 min 41 secs)

Zipper (2015) - as Jeannie Ellis

Nude, breasts, sexy, underwear 00:42:31 Some great looks at Lena's amazing breasts and knockout nips as Patrick Wilson goes down on her! (1 min 15 secs)

Tell Tale (2009) - as Elizabeth Clemson

The Broken (2008) - as Gina McVey

Nude, breasts, butt 00:38:47 Dim but delectable duff and dairy bombers when Lena slips out of the bed. She finally turns on the light and the camera cuts away. Blast! (30 secs)
Nude, breasts 00:33:20 Show some Lena to your weena! See a quick flash of sexy left nippage when this brutally hot babe lowers herself into the bath. (18 secs)

300 (2006) - as Queen Gorgo

Nude, breasts 00:20:56 Get ready for Headey, who heaves out her hoots in bed with her guy. (1 min 29 secs)

Imagine Me & You (2005) - as Luce

The Parole Officer (2001) - as Emma

Nude, breasts, butt 00:35:54 Lena's lovely birthday suit seen from a distance as she dons a nightgown. (22 secs)

Aberdeen (2000) - as Kaisa

Nude, breasts 00:04:00 Lots of looks at Lena's lucky charms as she showers and chats on the phone. (1 min 15 secs)
Nude, breasts 00:01:00 Shadowy boobs a'bouncin' in slow-mo as Lena boffs some dude before the opening credits. (22 secs)
Nude, breasts 00:22:00 Brief boobage as Lena strips...down by the river! (27 secs)

Twice Upon a Yesterday (1998) - as Sylvia Weld

Mrs. Dalloway (1997) - as Young Sally

Nude, breasts, butt 00:18:00 Saucy little imp. She scampers about like a wood nymph(o), flashing a peep of right tit, a touch of turf, and tail. (16 secs)

Loved Up (1995) - as Sarah

Fair Game (1994) - as Ellie

Nude, butt, breasts, bush Excellently furry full frontal and butt from Lena while messing around with her guy in the water, before they realize they're being watched by some nutty old broad. (46 secs)

Waterland (1992) - as Young Mary

Nude, breasts 00:20:00 Much clearer, really nice look at Lena's bean-as when she and her fella prepare to do it. (1 min 47 secs)
Nude, breasts 00:16:00 Get Headey! Lena loosens her clothes and gets it on with a classmate on a moving train. See bouncing bits of boobage. (40 secs)

TV Shows

Game of Thrones (2011-2019) - as Cersei Lannister

Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles (2008-2009) - as Sarah Connor

The Hunger (1997-2000) - as Steph Reynolds

Nude, breasts Ep. 01x02 Lena's love lobbers look smashing when she gets screwed on a spiral staircase. Dizzyingly hot! (20 secs)

Band of Gold - as Colette

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