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Let's Admire Kim Kardashian West's Cleavage For A Bit

ThoughKim Kardashian West is mostly known for her magnificent rump, it seems that she's paying a lot of attention recently to her cleavage. Or maybe I should say that we've been paying a lot of attention to Kim Kardashian West's cleavage recently because she's been showing it off a lot on Instagram.

Being a fan of the complete Kim Kardashian West package I have to say that I'm rather enjoying this renewed interest in her cleavage. Granted, it's no Kim Kardashian West nude in a tree, but Kim Kardashian West rocking a hand bra in bed is pretty awesome in its own regard. Let's be honest, we do spend more time admiring Kim Kardashian West's rear end, which is totally deserving, but she does have some of the finest cleavage in the world today. We really should make the time to stare longingly at it at least three times a month, if not more. It's well worth the time, effort, and energy.

And while I know the milk industry has been pushing the whole milk mustache thing in their ads, I really think they need to go back to the old slogan of "Milk, it does a body good" and feature Kim Kardashian West in that white bra and panties or bikini or whatever the hell it is. It's sexy as hell and shows that Kim Kardashian West's body is very, very good.