A wedding movie might not be a particularly strange place to see Katherine Heigl, but it is strange see her portraying a lesbian alongside Gilmore Girls' sweetheart Alexis Bledel. Katherine plays Jenny, a woman who's been openly gay for years with everyone but her family, who is convinced she's going to die alone since she doesn't have a boyfriend. When she insinuates that she's maybe-sort-of already with someone, they assume she's having an affair with a married man. Wrong again, Jenny's family. Eventually, she decides to tell her parents that's gay and getting married to a woman, which they don't take particularly well. As she breaks free from the expectations of her fam, she begins to plan her wedding and ultimately hopes they'll accept her for who she is. Unfortunately, we don't see a lot of skin for a movie about two lesbians, but that's OK. We do get to see Alexis Bledel and Katherine Heigl kiss, which is not a sentence we ever thought we'd type.