Holly Valance Sexy
Keywords: No Nudity, White, Blonde Hair, Medium Breasts, Real Breasts, Average Body, Musician
Birthplace: Melbourne, AU
Date of Birth: 05/11/83
Real Name: Holly Rachel Vukadinovic
Top Holly Valance Scenes
Ep. 02x02 Holly whips off her clothes in preparation for some naked fun time at a beach party. She tries valiantly to hide her hoots with her hand, but after many grueling hours of rigorous viewing, the SkinLabs have determined that a flash of right can be seen. (8 secs)
Entourage (2004-2011)
Ep. 02x02 She jumps on her man and invites him to do his bidding with her bod. Off comes the shirt, and out comes some partial right poker. No nip, alas. (1 min 18 secs)
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DOA: Dead or Alive (2006) - as Christie Allen
National Lampoon's Pledge This! (2006) - as Jessica
TV Shows
Prison Break (2005-2008) - as Nika
Entourage (2004-2011) - as Leanna
Neighbours - as Felicity Scully
Neighbours Revealed - as Herself
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