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Hilary Duff

Hilary Duff Sexy

No Nudity

Keywords: No Nudity, White, Blonde Hair, Medium Breasts, Real Breasts, Average Body, Childhood Star, Musician

Birthplace: Houston, Texas, US

Date of Birth: 09/02/87

AKA: Hillary Duff, Hilary Ann Duff

18 Blog Posts for this celebrity

Top Hilary Duff Scenes

Gossip Girl (2007-2012) Sexy, sexy, lesbian
Gossip Girl (2007-2012) Sexy, sexy, lesbian
What Goes Up (2009) Sexy, underwear
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Houston native Hilary Duff has been acting and singing since she was six years old, and by the time she was eight, she landed a starring role as Wendy the witch in the kids flick Casper Meets Wendy (1998). She took on a second starring role in the skin-free Disney Channel series Lizzie McGuire in 2002 and stuck around at Disney to play the lead in Cadet Kelly (2002). Blonde, smiley, and cute as a button, Hilary built an impressive teen career, appearing in movies like Cheaper by the Dozen (2003), A Cinderella Story (2004), Raise Your Voice (2004), and Material Girls (2006). She also threw herself into a singing career, releasing her debut album Santa Claus Lane in 2002. Thanks to all of that hustling, Hilary became one of young Hollywood’s top-earning performers and climbed high on the list of actresses we’d like to see naked, prompting us to start a campaign for “Duff in the Buff.” And the blonde babe has finally delivered! Well, sort of. She enjoyed a lesbian kiss on an episode of Gossip Girl (2007) before she started stripping down. In the action thriller War, Inc. (2008), she shows off her midriff while stuffing a scorpion down her pants, and in the romantic drama According to Greta (2009), she gives us a long look at her thighs. But we prefer older Hilary on the series Younger (2015), in which she gives us plenty of swimsuit shots and glimpses of her cleavage. Will this pop sensation ever pop her top off? We hope so!