Emily Browning Was Wearing a Full-Body Suit on 'American Gods'

We've got some bad news, folks. All those amazing topless scenes in American Gods? It was Emily Browning wearing a full-body suit - one that wrapped all the way around her torso - during all the nude scenes with the Y incision/stitches.

Emily Browning Was Wearing a Full-Body Suit on 'American Gods'

She mentions it in the Season 1 Blu-ray extras, going into detail about the four-hour process of putting the rubber suit on every day before shoots.

Emily Browning Was Wearing a Full-Body Suit on 'American Gods'

They did a pretty damn good replicating her actual boobs, though - Browning is no stranger to on-screen nudity, so we know what we're looking at:

Emily Browning Was Wearing a Full-Body Suit on 'American Gods'Emily Browning Was Wearing a Full-Body Suit on 'American Gods'

So, yeah. Bummer? Here are the prosthetics in all their glory: