Why Walk Away When There Are More Hotties To Work With?
You don’t have to be a fan of cinema to know the name Daniel Day-Lewis. He is, by far, one of the greatest actors that ever lived. And if you haven’t heard, he’s announced that he’s going to retire from acting. So, let’s take a look back at some of DDL’s sexiest co-stars to say, “Thank for the memories!”
When you have such a stellar career like the great Daniel Day-Lewis you get to work with some of the best and some of the hottest leading ladies. Just off the top of my head you have Penélope Cruz, Kate Hudson, Rita Wolf, Juliette Binoche, and Cameron Diaz; and those are just the names that I can remember without even looking anything up. There are so many, many more: Lena Olin, Tevaite Vernette, Marion Cotillard, and Fergie, to name four. Okay, now I have no idea why Daniel Day-Lewis is going to retire. That’s like an all-star list of hotties and he’s been in films with each of them wearing little to no clothing. One would think that’s a gig you would hang on to for life. Surely Daniel Day-Lewis could find it in his heart to do one more movie if it happened to be along side Alicia Vikander and Gal Gadot.
This truly is an end of an era and I do hope all his co-stars give him one hell of a retirement party. Though, I don’t know if you could find a card that says I drink your milkshake, I drink it up.