Catch 22: Based on the Unwritten Story by Seanie Sugrue (2016) is an American thriller written and directed by Josh Folan and starring Phil Burke, Brock Harris, and Charmane Star. The film follows five friends who have lived hard lives. The friends have a send off celebration alongside an unexplained dead girl with Hurricane Sandy looming in the distance. Our lovely leading lady Charmane Star lives up to her last name in this film because she is naked basically the entire film! We get a great look at those perfect, perky titties and that bodacious booty while Charmane walks around in just a bitty, black thong, tempting all the dudes. However, Charmane’s character takes a dark turn and she is found naked and dead in the bathtub. As she travels from the tub into a body bag we get another look at her tight bod and even a peek at bush! The real Catch 22 in this film is that we can see but can’t touch!