Bei hübschen Grauen sind alle Tricks erlaubt (2005), or With Pretty Women All the Tricks are Allowed, is a made for tv German romantic comedy about a young man who accompanies his girlfriend (Henny Reents) and her family on a trip to the Bavarian Forest. He gets a call from his best friend begging him to come to Ibiza to help him renovate a house, but when he arrives, he finds out that his friend has planned a wild weekend of partying, which quickly goes to hell when his girlfriend shows up! Henny Reents looks very sexy in the film appearing in two different green swimsuits that show off some nice cleavage, but not much else. There's also the lovely Isabell Gerschke who also looks positively perfect in a banging blue bikini, but the closest we get to seeing some actual skin comes courtesy of Arzu Bazman who wears some skimpy red lingerie that is cut just above her nipples and shows off some simply amazing cleavage! These Pretty Women are the kind we'd like to meet, so they can help us beat our meat!